Australian Embassy
Peru, Bolivia


Latest news:

The Australian Embassy for Peru and Bolivia in Lima is accepting child (up to 15 years old) and adult renewal applications via the mail. Please read the below information carefully.

Lost or stolen passport


Has your Australian passport been lost or stolen? If so:

  • Report to the Australian Embassy in Lima  during local business hours

Applying for a new passport

Need to apply for or renew your Australian passport? If so:

  • Visit the Australian Passports Office website and follow the prompts to ‘Apply or renew’, and
  • If eligible to apply via mail, read further below, or
  • If you need to lodge in person, contact the Australian Embassy in Lima and book an appointment for a passport interview.

Eligibility to apply via mail - adults


For an Adult passport renewal via mail, you must be 18 years and over and you will need a passport that:

  • was issued when you were aged 16 or older
  • was issued on or after 1 January 2006
  • had, when it was issued, at least two years’ validity
  • has your current name, date of birth, place of birth and gender, and
  • has not been reported lost, stolen, or cancelled.

If you can answer yes to all the above, please complete your passport renewal application (PC7) online.

If you don’t meet these criteria (including if you are applying for an emergency passport), please book an appointment to lodge your application in person.

Eligibility to apply via mail - children


Child passport renewal applications can be mailed-in if the child is:

  • aged up to and including 15 years old, and
  • has held a previous full validity passport.

If you meet the above criteria, you can complete a passport renewal application (PC8) online. See our  Guide below.

For first time child applications under 16 years old, applications must be lodged in person by one person with parental responsibility (the child does not need to attend the interview). For all applicants aged 16 or 17 years old, the application must be lodged in person by the child and one person with parental responsibility.

Passport fees  


Frequently asked questions


Guide for adult renewal application (PC7) by mail

1. Complete your renewal application form (PC7) online

  • The application must be lodged within six months of completion

2. Print and sign your application form

  • Print on plain white paper. Make sure the top or bottom of the page is not cut off (ensure all black arrows are visible). If any part of the form is cut off, your application will be rejected.
  • Sign the form using black pen, within the signature box. If your signature is outside of the box the application will be rejected. Make sure there are no alterations or whiteout on the signature or the date.

3. Photos

  • Two recent identical colour photos, less than 6 months old with your full name written on the back of one photo. Refer to photo guidelines for more information
  • DO NOT attach the photos to the form as this may damage them, simply place in an envelope.

4. Remote payment

  • Once we receive your application by mail, we will contact you and send you a link to pay on-line with credit/debit card

5. Post your application by courier

Embajada de Australia

Av La Paz 1049

Piso 10





Tel +51 1 630 0500

6. How long will it take?

Please allow a minimum of six weeks plus transit time to receive a new passport once payment has been taken. Incomplete applications will cause delays.

7. If you have any questions, you can contact the Embassy. 


Guide for child renewal application (PC8) by mail

1. Complete your renewal application form (PC8) online

  • The application must be lodged within six months of completion

2. Print and sign your application form

  • Print on plain white paper.  Make sure the top or bottom of the page is not cut off (ensure all black arrows are visible). If any part of the form is cut off, your application will be rejected.
  • Sign the form using black pen, within the signature box. If your signature is outside of the box the application will be rejected. Make sure there are no alterations or whiteout on the signature or the date.
  • Children 10 years or older must provide a signature unless there is a medical reason or disability that prevents them from signing.

3. Photos

  • Two recent identical colour photos, less than 6 months old with child's full name written on the back of one photo. Refer to photo guidelines for more information.
  • The back of one photo must be endorsed by the child’s guarantor, writing ‘This is a true photo of [the child’s full name]’ and signed in black pen.
  • DO NOT attach the photos to the form as this may damage them, simply place in an envelope.

4. Parents proof of identity

  • Copies of both parents’ identity documents that show their name, photo, signature and current address (i.e. both parents or those with parental responsibility for the child who signed section 17 on the application form)
    • Name changes: If the current names of either parent are different to how they appear on the child’s birth certificate, please include documents that explain the change of name.
    • Copies of supporting documents will need to be certified, by a Notary Public, if they had not been provided with the child's first application.

5. Guarantor/Referee

  • A guarantor must sign section 11 of the application form. Remember the guarantor must also endorse the back of a passport photo by writing ‘This is a true photo of [the child’s full name]’ and signing in black pen. Refer to for more information on guarantor requirements.

6. Consent

  • Parental Consent is required for a child passport.  Everyone who’s giving consent must complete and sign section 15 of the form in front of a witness.

7. Remote payment

Once we receive your application by mail, we will contact you and send you a link to pay on-line with credit/debit card

8. Post your application by courier:

Embajada de Australia

Av La Paz 1049

Piso 10





Tel +51 1 630 0500

9. How long will it take?

Please allow a minimum of six weeks plus transit time to receive a new passport once payment has been taken. Incomplete applications will cause delays.

10. If you have any questions, you can contact the Embassy. 

Dual nationals

Dual nationals leaving and returning to Australia. Which passport should you use? | Australian Passport Office

Advice for dual nationals | Smartraveller

Travel documents

Travelling as a dual citizen